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What Vitamins Should I Take Daily: For A Man

The nutrition that we intake on a regular basis has a huge impact on our health, fitness, and longevity. Vitamins are one such nutrient that is essential to our general wellness. Lack of vitamins in the body would make us susceptible to a host of diseases.

For men, certain vitamins play a crucial role in ensuring
the proper functioning of vital body organs. Right from strengthening immune
health to boosting energy, promoting bone health to improving cognitive
faculties, vitamins perform several functions. We have put together a list of
best vitamins exclusively for men.

  • Vitamin A for Good Eyesight & Strong Immunity


Vitamin A is essential for maintaining good vision in low light conditions and promoting a healthy immune system. Known as the anti-infective vitamin, it helps in boosting the body’s resistance power against chronic diseases and makes the body into a germ-killing fortress.

You can include Vitamin A in your diet by including
plenty of carrots, broccoli, eggs, milk, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, spinach,
and others. You can also derive Vitamin A from various dietary supplements
found in the form of capsules and pills.

  • Vitamin
    C for Prolonged Youth


Regular intake of Vitamin C is beneficial in
counterbalancing the adverse effects of damaging free radicals and promoting
the growth and development of all tissues, cartilage, bones, and teeth.

Rich sources of Vitamin C are oranges, potatoes, cabbage,
broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, and others. You can also consume Vitamin C
supplement capsules.


Vitamin B12 for Supporting the Nervous System


Older men require Vitamin B12 for boosting the normal
functioning of the nervous system and improving memory.

Vitamin B12 also helps in keeping age-related brain disorders such as depression and dementia at bay. The recommended daily intake dosage of Vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg that can be derived from foods and dietary supplements. You can get it from milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, tuna, liver, and others.

Vitamin D for Boosting Bone Health & Diabetes Management

Including Vitamin D in the diet becomes essential especially
when men start to age. It is due to the fact that they help in the absorption
of calcium that helps in preventing weak bones and muscles.

Foods containing Vitamin D include salmon, cheese, egg
yolk, yogurt, orange juice, and others. You can also opt for Vitamin D capsule

  • Folate for Improving Cardiovascular Health


A healthy heart means prolonged longevity and lesser
risks of strokes. Folate also known as folic acid is indispensable for
promoting heart health. It is one of the B vitamins that keep the heart healthy
by preventing the build-up of homocysteine, a substance that your body requires
to build protein but can result in heart and blood vessel disease if produced
in excess quantities.

Folate can be found in different food sources such as
oranges, spinach, strawberries, and avocado. Folate supplements are also
available and you can opt for it if you are serious about your heart health.

Check out visit Ray’s Healthy Living for the complete
range of natural vitamin supplements. Visit the store at for more details on the range of products available and
make your pick.

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By Rayman

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