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9 Incredible Skullcap Supplement Benefits That You Might Not Know

For generations, herbs and botanical extracts have been used in treating various ailments. Even today herbal treatments are very much sought-after and are preferred over allopathy. It is because herbs have tremendous medicinal value and therapeutic benefits without nasty ide-effects.

Skullcap is one such herb that offers countless health benefits. Scientifically named as Scutellaria Lateriflora, it is a native perennial flowering plant growing in North American wetlands and belongs to the mint family.

Enriched with flavonoids,
iron, calcium, magnesium, resin, iridol, sesquiterpene, tannins, and other nutrients,
the herb work wonders for overall health and wellness. You can integrate
skullcap into your lifestyle by opting for skullcap supplements that come in
the form of pills, tinctures, and teas. We have put together 9 awesome health
benefits of skullcap supplements for you to know.

1.     Improves
cardiovascular health

Consumption of skullcap
supplements helps in lowering cholesterol levels that in turn minimizes the
risks of suffering from atherosclerosis, fatal heart attacks, strokes, and
coronary diseases. The herbal supplement also prevents buildup of plaque in the
arterial walls and keeps the heart in top condition.

2.     Detoxifies
the body

Skullcap supplements
flush out harmful toxins that have accumulated in the body and help  boosting general health. It increases the
activities of antioxidants in the liver and ensures its proper functioning.

3.     Gets
rid of anxiety

Skullcap supplements help
in combating oxidative stress that is the main culprit behind age-related brain
disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, depression, and anxiety. It
counterbalances the adverse effects of free radicals with its potent
anti-inflammatory properties.

Research and clinical
trials demonstrate that the anxiolytic activity of the herb inhibits anxiety
and produce a calming effect on the body and mind.

4.     Deals
with Insomnia

If you are struggling
with chronic sleep deprivation due to stress or a busy lifestyle, then a
skullcap supplement is your best bet. Regular intake of the supplement will
lead to sound and peaceful sleep throughout the night without adverse
side-effects. As a result, you will feel reinvigorated and refreshed the next

5.     Manages diabetes

Skullcap supplements are
extremely beneficial for diabetes management. It works by helping in regulating
the insulin levels produced in the pancreas and reducing cholesterol levels.

6.     Treats flu

The herbal formula helps in reducing high body
temperature and gives you relief from flu and cold quickly. Thus, it is the
perfect tonic for the flu.

7.     Relieves

The analgesic and
anti-inflammatory properties of the herbal supplement helps in treating acute
pain throughout the body. The rich phenolic compounds present in the supplement
stimulate blood flow to the skin and prevents infection caused by injuries and

8.     Prevents

Skullcap supplements are
effective natural remedies for lung cancer. A compound known as scutellarein
found in the herb is proven to induce apoptosis called sudden cell death in
cancerous cells. This is certainly a great discovery in the medicinal world.

9.     Encourages
Weight Loss

When taken along with a
proper and balanced diet, skullcap supplements can bring about quick weight loss
in obese people. The supplements stimulate burning of calories by increasing
the body’s metabolism rate and suppressing overeating habits.

Surely, skullcap supplements have many therapeutic benefits. However, it is important to consult an herbal practitioner or healthcare specialist before consuming them. It is also important to get the supplements from a trusted and certified source for more efficacy and safety. Visit Ray’s Healthy Living and order the best organic supplements for health.

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By Rayman

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