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7 Amazing Natural Beauty Tips For Face At Home

It is surely not too much to ask for glowing flawless skin! You can surely make yours by simply turning to nature and using some easily available products without having to break your bank. Most renowned cosmetic companies are now flaunting their brands as being made of natural ingredients that have no harmful side effects yet work wonders on the skin.

We give you the top-secret amazing beauty tips that will help you get that picture-perfect face in advertisements that you envy and pray for! Here you go…

1. Only a clean skin glows. Cleanse your facial skin by using a mixture of 2 tablespoon chickpea flour, ½ tablespoon turmeric powder, a pinch of sandalwood made paste using milk or rosewater depending on dry on oily skin. Leave it on the skin for 10 mins and wash off with water and come out with a totally clean facial skin.

2. The secret to a wonderful facial skin is to remove the top dead skin layer to bring out the healthy and glowing skin. Next exfoliate using a paste made of walnut powder and yogurt rubbing it till dry. For best results, repeat twice a week.

3. Get enough sleep to rest and rejuvenate your facial skin. Remember to moisturize the skin with milk cream before you go to bed. Choose a variant depending on your skin type – normal, dry or oil. Avoid using hot water and alcohol-based products on the skin. They tend to dry it up and rob it of the natural glow.

4. It is normal to develop tan and freckles on the face when going about your everyday business. But you can surely carry the flawlessly glowing face everywhere by applying a mixture of honey and yogurt. Take equal amount of both, mix thoroughly and apply. Let dry for 15 minutes and wash off with water at normal temperature and see your skin emerge baby soft, wrinkle-free and glowing.

5. Use a potato pack for effective skin whitening effect of your facial skin. Take slices of peeled potato and crush them to extract the juice. Apply it evenly on the face and neck area allowing it to dry. Be careful not to allow it to enter into the eye. Wash off with water and come out with an even and brighter skin tone.

6. If those suborn pimples are still bothering you, don’t try hiding them under layers of foundation. Get rid of them permanently using a mixture of cucumber and tomato juices. The mix will help dry up the pimples and take away the scars as cucumber is an excellent astringent and tomato both clears blemishes and wrinkles.

7. Get soft, supple and pink lips using a mix of smashed raspberries, honey and coco butter. Use the mix every night before going to bed rubbing it in. It will help remove the dark layer on the lip, remove the top dry scaly layer, make it soft with a pink tint.

You owe it to yourself to have a beautiful glowing skin that you can stride out with in confidence!!!

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By Rayman

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