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Rays Healthy Living

NOW, Certified Organic Spirulina Powder, Pure, Green Superfood, Net Wt. 4 oz (113g), Vegetarian/Vega, USDA Organic, Kosher, NON GMO


SKU: 733739026903 Category:

For those who don’t prefer consuming supplements in tablet form, the wholesome goodness of spirulina is available in powder form. The Spirulina Powder is a certified organic formula that packs all the health benefits of this potent microalga. For centuries, spirulina has been used worldwide for the excellent health benefits it provides. This miracle from the sea has proven to be an active component in regulating cardiovascular health in humans. In addition, its therapeutic qualities make it an effective treatment for various mental and emotional disorders, including ADHD, anxiety, and depression. This formula is also rich in vitamin B12, amino acids, and minerals.



Product Code 733739026903

Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Organic Spirulina Powder.

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